Latin Declension Quizzes
One of largest hurtles for those beginning to learning Latin is memorizing the many declensions (i.e word endings) of Latin. There is no way to get aground learning these declensions to make progress in the language, and the Dowling Method recommends memorizing all the declension forms before attempting to read Latin passages. The quizzes listed below aims at helping the memorization process by providing quizzes for common forms of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns.
These quizzes are based on the declination tables at the back of Wheelock's Lain by Frederic M. Wheelock. Please email me at for any suggestions, corrections, or concerns.
Noun Declensions:
Porta, portae: f. gate
First Declension Feminine
Amīcus, amīcī: m. friend
Second Declension Masculine
Puer, puerī: m. boy
Second Declension Masculine
Ager, agrī: m. field
Second Declension Masculine
Dōnum, dōnī: n. gift
Second Declension Neuter
Rēx, rēgis: m. king
Third Declension Masculine
Corpus, corporis: n. body
Third Declension Neuter
Cīvis, cīvis:: m. citizen
Third Declension Masculine
Urbs, urbis: f. city
Third Declension Feminine
Mare, maris: n. sea
Third Declension Neuter
Frūctus, frūctūs: m. fruit
Fourth Declension Masculine
Cornū, cornūs: n. horn
Fourth Declension Neuter
Diēs, diēī: m. day
Fifth Declension Masculine
Adjective Declensions:
Magnus: m. great
First & Second Declension Masculine
Magna: f. great
First & Second Declension Feminine
Magnum: n. great
First & Second Declension Neuter
Līber: m. free
First & Second Declension Masculine
Lībera: f. free
First & Second Declension Feminine
Līberum: n. free
First & Second Declension Neuter
Fortis: m/f. strong, brave
Third Declension Masculine/Feminine
Forte: n. strong, brave
Third Declension Neuter
Ācer: m/f. keen, severe
Third Declension Masculine/Feminine. Note: Acris is an alternative correct answer for the singular nominative, but due to a bug, the quiz will mark it incorrect.
Ācre: n. keen, severe
Third Declension Neuter
Potēns: m/f. powerful
Third Declension Masculine/Feminine
Potēns: n. powerful
Third Declension Neuter (shares the same singular nominative ending as Masculine/Feminine)
Fortior: m/f. braver
Third Declension Masculine/Feminine
Fortius: n. braver
Third Declension Neuter
Pronoun Declensions: